Coexistence of romanticism with Visconti's realism in a most natural & authentic blend. A fairly eventless dialogue-driven story takes two lonely hearts around a wonderful walk through the explicit reconstitution of a small Italian town by the sea, full of tiny bridges and narrow streets. A few uninspired dialogues contributed to a couple of bland moments, quickly eclipsed by a memorable & invirogorating dance scene to shake some waists up before an exceptional finale. In it the emotional outburst & heart-breaking separation are symbolized by the positioning of the characters in deep field and the travelled distance of the Eternal Woman from one man to the other. Deceit & Self-deceit...
- 突如其来的台风将几个场景隔离开几个初中生摆脱了压抑的成人世界规则随意挥发出某种无序的激烈冲动要跳要舞只要音乐没停老吴的春天这种冲动的目的是报复与报复性消费相同台风所带来的突如其来的自由让他们超前地开始理解自己理惠看似无因的城市之旅归因于台风日三种依赖/非独立的抽离三上、母亲、学校她超前迈入东京独立约会要坐电车回家时却回不去的那突如其来的崩溃我深有同感就好像第一次独立去做一件很重要的事情却在成功的前一步出了错她被卡住了中间 理惠之后是三上台风过去太阳依旧要从东方升起三上轻轻地布置好自己的天阶在天亮时呼喊 死亡来了成为了这场台风中唯一死去的人 - 画面好美拍摄角度选的真好